Sunday 4 January 2015

Meera's Biography

It has been said about Meera (from Mihira, सूर्य) that she was an incarnation of either Radha, Lalita, Champaklata or some other Gopi. Her poetry is reflective of her connection with the gopis.

A story about Meerabai's birth is said to have originated from Barsana(birth place of Radha). According to this story, a gopi ( Meera) in Barsana got married to Lord Krishna's childhood gop friend. When it was time to leave her parents' home to begin a new life in Gokul, gopi's mother instructed her daughter to be careful of Kanha who is very naughty and has such an influence on people that if anyone sees him for once only, they lose control on their senses and heart and are forever lost in meditation and love of Krishna. Therefore, she should never see Him. 
When her carriage arrived on the border of Gokul, suddenly Krishna leapt up before it and asked his friend, ' you've brought my bhabhi, I want to see her face and bestow her a gift I've for her for munhdikhayi.' The Gop said, ' There's no secret fro you Kanha. Go and see her.' The gopi was listening to Krishna and remembered what her mother had said. She pulled her ghunghat and didn't show her face to Krishna. Upon this, Kanha said,'you won't show your face now, but you will see my face soon.'
After few days there was a huge diluge in braj due to Indra's wrath. Lord Krishna picked up Govardhan mountain to save the village. All villagers together with birds and animals came under its shelter.
The Gopi from Barsana also took the Govardhan shelter and her eyes happen to fall upon Kanha and she got lost in thoughts thus: 'How beautiful is he with his lotus eyes, curly hair, yellow robes, peacock crown and flute!! Although he is so young, he is carrying this huge insurmountable mountain just to save his beloved braj!! Aho! How unfortunate have I been not to have seen him sooner! How cruel was my mother's instruction was forbidding me to see his face! I have wasted so many days by following her advice! Welled up with such emotions, tears of love started flowing from her eyes; she witnesses the chturbuj form of her beloved Krishna: playing flute with two hands, one hand on the shoulders of her father Nand baba, and carrying the Govardhan with another.' She regretted not having net Krishna when he came to see her himself and cursed herself for committing such a mistake! She was overwhelmed by his presence and Darshan, and prayed for His love. She surrendered herself at the Lord's feet. Krishna said, 'Since you refused to see me, you won't be able to attain me in this birth. You will definitely attain me some other birth.'
They say that Gopi was reborn as Meera in Merta. Meera's utter disregard and disinterestedness for gunghat and other social norms is testimony to the fact that these things prevented her union with her beloved Sri Krishna in the Dvapar yug. This picture of Krishna carrying giriraj stayed with Meera as evidenced in her numerous poems where she refers to her 'Giridhar'. 


Every person follows a particular destiny due to the differences in thoughts, emotions, ambitions, interests, temperament, self-interest, circumstances and environment.  Thus, the whole world is full of people having diverse viewpoints because variety, imperfection and change are the essential characteristics of nature. Every person experiences good and bad times, hopes and despair, and pleasure and sorrow in different degrees. It is rare to find someone whose life unfolds according to her wishes and who is completely content with it.

To make a progress on one's chosen path, everyone has to struggle to realise their dreams. People who have the ability, determination, patience, self-confidence and a faith in God essential to achieve those dreams, emerge victorious as they attain the objective they set out to achieve. Such persons leave their mark in history.

Meerabai's life, too, was ridden with conflicts and struggles. Insistence to have Lord Krishna's idol from a saint in her childhood, opposing her mother's wish for her marriage with great understanding and wisdom, an appeal to take her Lord's idol with her upon leaving for her husband's house after her wedding, protest against the worship of a local deity, handling the complaints and criticism from her sister-in-law with boldness - apart from these episodes, the most difficult of all her struggles was to face a strong opposition fom her brother-in-law, Rana Vikrmaditya.

Anyone who follows a great ideal, faces a lot of opposition from others. Despite strong hostility from Rana Vikramaditya, Meera remained steadfast in her devotion to Sri Krishna and patiently resisted any obstacles on her path. Trials and tribulations that result from sticking to a higher goal of love, justice, and general welfare of humanity, are considered pure and eventually lead to success. 
Struggle is said to be of two types: by violent means and by non-violent means. When physical strength, political power, people, and arms are used to wage a war against the hostile sources, the struggle involve a degree of violence. But when intellect, planning, determination, inner strength, self-sacrifice, tolerance and peace are used to overcome obstacles, the struggle becomes non-violent.
All saints, yogis, devotees and those working towards a higher cause, withstand any hardship and hostility using these non-violent means. Meerabai, not only stood her ground against the animosity of Rana , she became famous in history due to her unflinching faith and devotion.
Meera proclaimed her sole aim clearly, replying to her brother-in-law the above said Rana and her sister-in-law Udabai with patience, boldness and pride, which is evident in her poems.
1. Mother-daughter 
 Meera: Don't worry mother,
I'm only mixing with saints.
The name of Ram is all
that I remember.
Mother: listen child ! 
When the world is sound asleep 
What made you lose your sleep !

Meera: This whole world is mad
Who doesn't love Ram.
The one who remembers only Hari
How can she sleep?
Why drink from this worldly reservoir 
When there's nectar 
in the eternal stream of Hari's name
Pray, have thirst only for it!
Ram, the beautiful one, will surely
cast a glance on me
And will accept Meera, who is
wasting away for him.
2. Mother-daughter 

O' mother! Lord married me in dream.
When I was asleep he came into my dream!
Mother, in my dream he married me!
I draped a yellow saree and painted my hands with henna.
Why should I marry a mortal, that only leads to distress.
The turmeric paste was applied on me and everyone was singing. 

Mother, Gopal married me in my dream!

Fifty-six billion people arrived 
to see Brajnath as bridegroom 
He tied the knot with me in the dream!
Meera has found Giridhar, 
her mate from previous lives.

In dream he married me! 
My married hood is now eternal!!

Exposition: The meeting of the individual soul with the Universal soul is marriage in spiritual sense. 


 I'll sell my sleep if anyone wishes to buy 
One paisa for a pound, a rupee for a ton
My sweetheart came and left
and I carried on sleeping 
I have wasted away my days sleeping 
and lost my years thus
O sleep go back to your house 
One who sleeps away is
Not Ram's devotee
Meera's Lord is Giridhar Nagar
She will stay wide awake 
waiting for him.

4. Sleep

Without Sanvra I can't sleep 
I feel restless 
Without Him my world is dark
Even the lamp doesn't pity me
My nights are lonely and scary 
I lie awake 
Languishing I roam around 
Asking everyone if they have 
Seen my Shyam
Pain of separation lashes me
Killing me gradually.
O neighbor! Listen! Anyone!
Have you seen my Mohan!
Meera's lord is Giridhar nagar 
She only loves her Mohan.


Meera danced tying ankle bells on her feet, 
She has become her Narayan's willing servant !

People say Meera's out of her mind
Kinsmen say she'll bring them infamy.

Ranaji sent me a goblet of poison 
Meera drank without thinking anything of it !

Meera's lord is Giridhar nagar 
She has met Him by sheer luck! 


Ranaji, I will sing only for my Hari !
If a king turns against you, the nature 
will take care of you.
But if my Hari is not pleased with me
Who will I turn to?
It doesn't bother me what people 
I will cross this ocean of duality,
riding the ship of the name of Ram.
Exposition: This material world is like a salty ocean that does not quench your thirst for peace and contentment. It is full of illusory pleasures and attachments. We are borne of the love and form of God, and by immersing ourselves in His love can we attain true happiness and peace.


I won't listen to you, Rana
I have Girdhari as my husband!

Jewel and camphor follow one path
However many times you say to the contrary.
Pebble and gold share the same fate
So do sound and taste.
Why hesitate when you have renounced this world. 
I have found a true guru,
I only like the holy men's company.
I'm different from the rest of my clan.
No matter how many times you
debate with me, I'll only follow my heart.

My Shyam is the one I have befriended.
He has jewelled crown, thick golden garland, and ankle bells on his feet.
I have taken refuge in those feet,
I do not worry about what 
people say.

Meera's lord is Giridhar nagar, 
Let people say what they like!

 2. Rana-Meera

Ranaji, Girdhar is my dearest beloved,
O' Ranaji, Girdhar is my dearest beloved!
He is present everywhere, and
is different from everyone!
He knows everyone's heart
for He is everyone's creator.
You sent me a cup of poison
I drank it thinking of Girdhar,
Who saved me in the end!
Meera's lord is Girdhar nagar,
That flute-player is the only Truth.

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