Monday 19 January 2015


To be steadfast, it is the prime duty of a spiritual aspirant to lend a  careful and due consideration to her life's goal. All tasks are performed by intellectually making a resolution or decision. When it is time to decide, it is natural to encounter a stream of thoughts involving the pros and cons and the suitability of a course of action to reach a particular decision. It is difficult to take action when the mind is going through this initial phase. Through intellect we choose one from all the given alternatives.

In our daily life, we do not need to go through this difficult decision making process, unless it is an important decision of our life. In that case, to act without any careful thought, often leads to regrets. Therefore, it is essential to think ten times before resolving on important matter. A person who is responsible for a large section of society should never act rashly while making up her mind. And if it is about one's own well-being, it becomes all the more essential to think carefully before embarking. Mind can become gradually steady and resolute in the company of fellow aspirants (satsang) and through devotion and practice.

All the revered saints and prominent people in the world go through this process of giving careful consideration to a course of action and adhering steadfastly to their goal. Still, it cannot be said that a decision thus reached will be beneficial to everyone. Decision made in favour of an individual, a family, a society or nation can become detrimental to others. Promise or vow is a kind of decision which may not be to the liking of others. A vow can be taken on the spur of the moment when one is hurt, but a decision is only taken by using reasoning abilities. A vow can hurt others including the one who takes it, whereas it is essential for a decision to be beneficial both to oneself and others. This can be seen in the lives of great people.

Meerabai's circumstances were completely different to other saints and holy men of her times. The most important factor was that she was a female in a predominantly male society. The things were made more tough for her due to her royal lineage and marriage to a king where the ladies had to observe so many restrictions. The women had to wear a veil to cover their faces in front of men and society in general. As a royal personage she was not allowed to mix with ordinary people, let alone saints and holy men. Naturally, when her devotion raised eyebrows in her circles and the obstacles were put in her chosen path, she had to reach a decision. She had to decide between the regal life with its trappings and the life of a devotee spending time with holy men and women and singing to her beloved God without any restrictions. Meera chose the path of devotion suffused with love for her dear Giridhar, thus, forsaking the world of material comforts, which left all unhappy in her family. She remained steadfast in her decision throughout her life.

This is how the saint Tukaram expresses his determination to be with his dear Lord:

           हस्तमुत्क्षिप्य यतोस्सि बलात्कृष्णा किमद्भुतम ।
           ह्रदयाद यदि निर्यासि पौरुषं गण्यमि ते ॥

अर्थात    हाथ छुड़ाए  जात हौ, निबल जानी के मोहे ।
           हिरदै तें जब जाहुगे, सबल बदोंगे तोहि ॥
           निश्च्या  चे बल तुका म्हणे हें चि फल ॥

Although you (Krishna) are leaving me thinking I am weak, I will only know that you are strong if you can go away from my heart. Tukaram's strong determination has bore this result (that you have come to my rescue).

Determination in Meera's words:

Making a right decision is important in any situation, and when the question is of your true goal in life with a view to eternal problems of life and death and the meaning of human existence, this decision has paramount importance. Meera, like other holy men, thought about these eternal questions of life. The shortness of life and relationships made Meera turn away to the One who she knew to be the enduring reality. As she says: 'why should I marry someone who will eventually die, I will marry Krishna that will make my marriage eternal', 'the one who wears a peacock feather crown is my husband', 'I am his attendant from so many lives, Krishna is my significant other and lord'.

Undivided devotion


Giridhar Gopal is my only companion, no one else.
The one who wears a peacock-feathered crown, is my spouse.
Father, mother, brother, friend - I have no one,
I have stopped caring about what others may say,
and have abandoned all titles and clans.
I earned the disdain of people by associating
with holy men.
Renouncing the regal bearing, I
wear the clothes fit for a holy wanderer.
Relinquishing pearls and gems,
and wear a necklace of wild flowers.
I nurtured the climbing vine of love
with my tears,
now it is fully grown, bearing fruits of blissful ecstasy.
After churning the milk (of knowledge)
I saved the butter (of wisdom), and
left the residue.
Devotees make me happy, the world makes me sad.
I found my saviour by name of Raidas,
I take my guru's shelter, and see Ram in my heart.
O' Giridhar Gopal, please liberate me!
Meera is thy servant.


I am eager to meet my Lord,
eager to meet and live with Him.
I yearn to forsake the worldly tasks
to daily immerse in the light of Truth,
that dispels the darkness and opens
the path to the skies.
I had a glimpse of a gleam of Light,
like lightening in the monsoon sky.
I have found my Lord Giridhar Nagar
I long to happily sing forever in His praise.


O' my sweetheart! I will remain a hermit.
I will live the way that pleases my beloved.
I will live with contentment and modesty
and live a life of equanimity.
I will meditate on the name of
one who is known as Niranjan (spotless).
I will dye this body with knowledge imparted
by my guru, and imprint it on mind.
I will surrender at Hari's feet, and sing
in adoration to Him.
Immersed in singing His name, I will
make a stringed instrument of this body.
Meera's Lord is Giridhar Nagar,
I will dwell with holy wanderers.


I am deeply imbued with the ways of my Sanvara
I bedeck myself with ornaments,
and dance wear ankle-bells, leaving
worldly customs aside!
In the company of holy men
my ignorance has vanished,
and I have become a real devotee.
Singing Hari's name night and day
I have escaped the shackles of time.
The whole world seems distasteful
and everything seems so pointless,
without Him.
Meera's Lord is Giridhar Nagar
Only His love is worthwhile.

5. Ashtang Yoga

No one can stop me now,
rapt in love Meera goes there!
Leaving all the customs and
worldly worries,
relinquishing both praise and blame
I take refuge in the path of wisdom.
There is red door of knowledge
as you go higher,
where there is world beyond names and forms.
This instrument of five elements,
finds its true home there.
I have bracelets of hand postures,
and the head is adorned with the vermillion
(of ultimate union by opening of sahsrar chakra).
I take the platter of the remembrance of Name.
Thus embellished,
Meera sleeps on the celestial bed of divine bliss
today must be so auspicious!
Go Rana! go to your home
we cannot get on, as our paths are different.

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