Saturday 14 February 2015

Encountering the Infinite!

Whether one follows the path of knowledge or that of devotion, a constant, undivided attention or focus results in encountering the subject of devotion or search.

Who will not be overwhelmed to attain their desired goal?  Who will not get ecstatic and at peace to have something that they were waiting for a long time? Happiness is the only goal of every living being on this planet. Everyone has a  predisposition towards attaining to that state of bliss or happiness. However, only a rare one achieves that state of absolute blissfulness. Although we all experience pleasure and happiness in different ways, but these are only short lived and only lead to pain and sadness in the end. Until and unless we give a thought to our ultimate goal and the nature of true happiness, we cannot be at peace. Our outward tendencies lead us to find happiness in sensual gratification. Those who are hermits, saints and those dedicated to family life, find true happiness by using their ability to discriminate between true and transitory joy and by associating with those on a spiritual path. Therefore, they follow the path of knowledge and devotion or love. When on their path their goal is achieved, they experience true bliss.

Meerabai's dearest goal was her Giridhar Gopal. She was dedicated to her goal throughout her life and in the end her Shyam had to respond to her love and she merged with Him at the end of her life. When after having stared at the sun for a long time, we cannot see clearly in the dark, similarly, Meerabai used to see only Sri Krishna, being always absorbed in her love for Him. Being thus lost in her devotion for Him, sometimes she would actually meet her Lord.  Divine poetry then would break out from her and she used to describe these encounters in vivid, edifying songs. She described her beloved's make-up, eyes, His beauteous aspect, beau and tripartite walk and extraordinary virtues.

The following verses of Meera convey these blessed meetings with her Krishna, the source of Bliss. We may find slivers of peace and happiness in the material world, but all these pleasures are only a shadow or mere reflection of the true and absolute bliss that is found in meditating upon God, associating with devotees, remembering Him, singing His virtues, surrendering our desires, actions and thoughts to Him, and ultimately meeting Him. After having trying a whole lifetime in vain to have peace and happiness by following different courses of action, ultimately we have to seek His shelter. When mind withdraws from the outside world, it experiences true happiness within by meditating on the higher order of life. One experiences and meets the Absolute, either in dreams or in meditation, in their desired form. It is extremely fortunate to attain this true objective of human life. Meera was the supreme proprietress of this Blissful meeting.

To have an audience with God is the ultimate ecstatic experience that renders all the objects and experiences of this world meaningless and non-existent. Whoever has drunk the nectar of His countenance, only wants more and more of it and wishes to see only Him. Meera forgets herself in her ecstasy. Once Shyam accepts your love, He never leaves you.


Attachment to the Form

Mother, I have a mental image of my Man-Mohan
As soon as the veil falls off
the two lights merge.
What is the point of regretting now
I am caught in Love's trap
Meera's Lord is Giridhar Nagar
the drop is merged with the Drop.


My eyes don't listen to me,
they only like to see
that eternally youthful and dark Form
His feet are decorated with colour,
and the sweet flute cover the lips.
Despite my friends' warnings,
I cannot keep my eyes away from
that beauteous face.
Think what you will, good or bad
I accept it.
Meera is Giridhar's servant
He is her Lord and lover.


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