Saturday 14 March 2015

The importance and glory of a Spiritual teacher

   ॥ कृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरुम  ॥
It is extremely difficult to progress on the spiritual path without the help of a spiritual teacher. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to state that an unending bliss and realisation of our primordial blissful nature can only be realised by the help of a spiritual instructor.

The philosophers and authors of Shastras have glorified the guru in these three stanzas which are extensive, mysterious, and respectful:

अज्ञान तिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानांजन श्लाक्या ।
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥

Salutations to the guru who imparts divine sight with the kohl stick of knowledge and dispels the darkness of individuals blinded by ignorance of attachments.

अखंड मंडलाकार व्याप्तं येन चराचरम् ।
तत्पदं दर्शित येन तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः ॥

Salutations to the guru who enables us to experience this immanent Creation that is prevalent as a seamless disc.

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः ।
गुरुः साक्षात्परब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः ॥

Salutations to the guru who is Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshvar. Not only this he is verily the transcendental Lord.


There is a lack of freedom and bliss in human beings. We use our logic and intellect to find a solution to fulfil this lack but only get more entangled in sorrow. The sages have always taught us that this world is transient, meaningless, and full of suffering. The scriptures state this too. But until and unless we experience it ourselves we hold fast to our belief that the happiness and fulfilment only lie in the outside world. We are only entitled to perform our duties, the results are not in our hands. Chasing material happiness only lead to suffering in the end. Only when we realise this that we start seeking timeless tranquillity and turn towards attaining ultimate and lasting bliss. But we realise our insignificance due to our selfish nature, false attachments, tendency to temptations and cravings. We cannot sustain a balanced mind owing to these characteristics of our minds. We fail again and again in our endeavours to attain the goal of lasting happiness. Finding this, we take refuge in a wise person who can show us the way, and in the end we become free from ignorance and attain bliss by following the practices laid out by the guru.

In everyone's life there comes a time when one thinks of taking refuge in a guru. 'अथा तो-ब्रह्म जिज्ञासा', according to this sutra or rule, first of all an individual should have a burning desire to seek the highest good. Only then he can progress on the spiritual path by following his guru's instructions. Whenever we experience bitterness or scarcity in the world, it is only then that we truly become inquisitive to understand the nature of this cosmos. There is no one in this world who does not have a teacher, directly or indirectly.

A guru is steadfastly devoted, a repository of divine knowledge and practical experience and is fully accomplished. It is for such luminaries that Sri Krishna says in Geeta:

तद्विद्वि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेव्या ।
उपदेक्ष्यन्ति ते ज्ञानं ज्ञानिनस्तत्व दर्शिनः ॥

Hey Arjun! After offering obeisance to the guru who has transcendental knowledge, know the ultimate truth by asking questions with a pure mind. The wise one who knows the secret of the universe will impart this knowledge to you.

Sri Shankracharya, in his book 'Vivekchudamani' relates the manner in which to ask for guru's help.

तमराध्य गुरुं भक्त्या प्रह्वप्रश्रय सेवनैः ।
प्रसन्नं तमनुप्राप्य प्रच्छेज्ज्ञातव्य आत्मनः ॥

Serve the guru with humility, respect and devotion. When he is pleased, go near him and ask your questions in this way:-

कथं तरेयं भवसिंधु मेतं कावागतिर्मे कतमोसत्यु पायः ।
जाने न किञ्चित कृपयाव मां भो संसार दुःख क्षतिमातनुष्व ॥

'How will I cross the ocean of this world?' 'What will happen to me?' What measures shall I take to search the truth?' 'I do not know anything. Lord! please protect me and show me the path to eradicate my ignorance.'

To have a guru, the aspirant should be full of devotion, ready to serve him and of good character. He should be God-oriented. When he has made himself a true disciple and worthy receptacle, it becomes easy to get a teacher with the grace of God.

Meera has written many poems on the importance of a guru. In them she has stated God as her Guru. In fact, she did not need a guru. Her unparalleled devotion to Krishna where she considered herself to be a Gopi from a previous life does not demand a guru. It is not wrong if the lover considers beloved her guru or the wife sees husband her guru. A devotee surrenders to God according to her particular sentiment. Sri Krishna says in Geeta: As her sentiment, so be her. Meaning, one becomes or attains what one's faith is.

In fact, God is everyone's guru as He is eternal, primordial and unchanging.



Devoted to the feet of my Guru,
I like nothing else in this
illusory world.
I am not worried about deliverance, as
all earthly concerns have evaporated.
Meera's Lord, O' Giridhar Nagar
my only care is serving the Guru.


My Sadguru! please come soon
to rain down sheer bliss.
There is only suffering
in separation from you.
I feel dejected.
I call for you like a cuckoo
who does not know anything else.
The lion of separation torments me
Nothing appeases this pain.
Like mercury does not absorb water
so this world does not make any sense to me.
I am sad without seeing you.
I cry like a skylark that does not like the night
and cries out for the day.
When will that day come
when my sadguru comes to my house?
Meera, the servant of her guru, says
she has thirst only for the dust of Guru's feet.


I am filled with bliss
since I met my beloved in a flash.
Beloved met and  blessed me
showing me Hari!
Gaining the metaphysical knowledge
from Sadguru, I meditated thus.
Meera's Lord is Giridhar Nagar
My mind is absorbed in Him.


The arrow that my sadguru shot
has crossed over me.
The spear of separation has pierced my heart,
anxiety has been unleashed on me.
The shackle of love enchains my heart.
No one but my beloved
knows this pain.
How can I describe it I feel so helpless, my friend?
Tears roll down my eyes.
Meera says her life is ready to desert her body
if she does not see her Lord !


I am intoxicated with Ram.
His love is pouring down
drenching me through.
All around the lightening is crackling
the clouds thundering.
Sadguru, imparting me the secret
has opened the door of illusion
The soul which is everywhere
is truly distinct
Lighting this lamp I reach the
unreachable void.
Meera. the servant of Ram
surrenders herself.


Meera's heart is enamoured of the wide, blue Boundless
whenever it shows itself as my true home
tears flow unceasing.
The pain grows every moment
when this sweet arrow pierces my heart.
I cannot sleep, day or night
don't feel like eating or drinking.
Such is this pain of separation
it keeps me awake at night.
I wish there was such a physician
somewhere, native or foreign
the one who knows the truth
whom I can tell my pain
and never fall prey to it after that.
I found my guru, Raidas
who blessed me, showing the Infinite.
My pain has gone
I have found my beloved
Meera meditated on nothingness
and understood her true home.


O' Mother, I have found the gem of Ram name.
I take shelter in my guru's feet.
Having given up the vices of
lust, anger and greed,
fortitude and contentment have taken roots in my heart
I have surrendered my mind, body and soul
to gain the most valuable thing in life.
Building the ship of Ram name
I cross this ocean of suffering.
Sixty-eight shrines are in the feet of a guru
I take a plunge in this Ganga.
Meera's lord is Giridhar Nagar
Mother, I offer my prayers to my guru.

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