Sunday 15 March 2015

The glory of Name

                                                   पुरानन  को पार नहीं वेदन को अंत नहीं,
                                                   वाणी तो अपर कहाँ कहाँ चित्त दीजिये ।
                                                   लाखन की एक कहूँ कहूँ एक क्रोरन की,
                                                   सब ही को सार एक राम नाम लीजिये ॥
                                                   पढ़ने की हद समझ है समझन की हद ज्ञान ।
                                                   ज्ञान की हद हरी नाम है यह सिद्धांत उर आन ॥

Remembering the name of the one you adore by chanting, even remembering through every breath eliminates the influence of this elemental world and soaks the devotee in the name of God. This is the supreme way to attain God, the goal of life.

अनंत शास्त्रं बहुलाश्च विद्या,
अलुश्च कालो बहु विघ्नताच ।
यत्सार भूतं तदुपासनीयं,
हंसो यथा क्षीर मिवाम्बु मध्यात् ॥

There are endless scriptures, countless stores of knowledge, the time is short and many obstacles. In such circumstances, our worship should be like that of a swan which only drinks milk leaving the water behind.

The worship can be either of a God' divine Form or of the Formless omnipresence, the name is of supreme importance and should be practiced. In Navdha bhakti (or nine steps of devotion), listening to the divine name, chanting divine name, and remembering divine name, are the three essential steps laid down.  The supreme devotee, Narad muni has also emphasized the importance of remembering Lord's name in his 'Narad Bhakti Sutra', thus: 'नारदस्तु तदर्पिता खिलाचरता तद्विस्मरणे परम व्यकुलतेति ॥' Chanting Pranav sound or Om is of paramount importance in the worship of the Formless (Nirguna). One can experience God by saying Om or Pranav (प्रणव). Pranav is made up of two syllables, 'nav नव' and 'par पर '.  Nav means earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect, ego and living being. The whole cosmos is made up of these nine or nav elements. And whatever is beyond (par) these nine elements is God, that is Pranav. The practice of chanting divine name takes a beginner to the supreme state of self-realization.

Goswami Tulsidas says:

कहौं कहां लगी नाम बढ़ाई ।
राम न सकहि नाम गुण गाई ॥
कलजुग केवल नाम अधारा ।
सुमिरि सुमिरि भव उतरहु पारा ।।
इहि इहि काल न साधन दूजा ।
योग यज्ञ जप तप व्रत पूजा ॥

What is so great about anyone who cannot recite His name. In this age of Kali, only the divine name will carry you across this worldly ocean of suffering. However much you do yogic practices, rituals, penances, fasting or praying, they are of no use if you do not recite God's name.

Guru Nanak also says:

नानक दुखिया सब संसारा ।
सो सुखिया जिन नाम अधारा ॥

Nanak, the world is suffering. Only the one who has established himself in the name of God is truly blissful.

Meerabia has also sung the glories of Lord's name. As per Narad Bhakti Sutra:

तत्प्राप्तय तदेवावलोक्यति, तदेव श्रृणोति तदेव भाष्यति तदेव चिन्तयति ।

Meera, too, intoxicated with the ambrosial nectar of His love, longs to see His attractive form, listen to only His flute that stimulates the varied emotions of divine love, the tongue only wants to recite His name, and the heart only wants to meditate on His blissful presence. She wants to always think of  Him. In this way, her ardent devotion broke out in the form of devotional poems that helped and is helping even today many people cross this sea of suffering.



I have found the jewel of Ram name!
My Satguru has given me this invaluable thing,
accepted me showering his grace.
I have found the treasure of all lifetimes
by losing everything of this world.
It never gets spent
nor does it get robbed,
only multiplies day by day.
In the boat of truth, the boatman is guru
I crossed this ocean of wants.
Meera's Lord is Giridahar Nagar,
joyously singing His glories.


O Mind, drink the nectar of Ram name!
Give up bad company
associating with saints daily
listen to the stories about Hari!
Let go of lust, anger, lethargy,
and worldly attachements.
Meera's Lord is Giridhar Nagar
soak yourself in the dye of Hari.


Why don't you sing Hari name?
Feet are there to go to pilgrimages,
hands to help others
teeth to beautify your countenance,
tongue to sing Ram.
You have been given eyes to see Ram
ears to listen to wisdom.
Meera's Lord is Giridhar Nagar
meditate on Hari's feet.


I have sown the crops of
the treasure of the name of Ram.
I ploughed my mind with name.
The first year I got the crop of
the sands of Ganga-Yamuna.
The seeds of Ram name
yielded pearls and diamonds.
Contolling the in-coming and out-going breath
saints do their yogic practices.
In the middle of the crown
there is a swan and you can see
a bright light
I ploughed the fields using
the oxen of mind and body
Meera's Lord is Giridhar Nagar
only adore His feet.


Keep the name of Ram in your heart
say it as soon as you wake up.
Till the land of your mind
with the name of Ram
sing His name with the
interest you get from this crop.
Ram name is a love potion
fill your cups to the brim and drink.
Never utter bitter words
only say what's endearing to others
Meera's Lord is Giridhar Nagar
always meditate on Hari's feet.


This world is an illusion
go and rob the treasure of Ram name.
It is going free, why don't you do a raid.
The one who loots,
finds unbounded love
that breaks the mould of illusory world.
One who controls her mind
and wins over the senses
reaches Vaikuntha.
Due to Lord's Maya
though you appear awake
you are indeed asleep!
Mother, father, family and clans
are all false associations.
Meera's lord is Giridhar Nagar
rob the ambrosial nectar of Lord's feet.


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